Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Build the Back of a Book Cover (with Template)

How to Build the Back of a Book Cover (with Template) The Back of a Book Cover: How to Build One That Actually Works (with Template) Picture an intrepid reader in the bookstore. They’re skimming the shelves when their eye is caught by a brilliantly imagined front cover. They pick the book up. Check. The spine is bold and inviting. Check. Then they flip to the back of the book cover - and it’s a boring solid background with no text.When it comes to book design, your thoughts probably don’t jump straight to a book’s back - it’s not as sexy or attention-grabbing as, say, the front. But it happens to be one of the most important sales tools at your disposal. So let's clear up some misconceptions:Nobody ever sees the back cover of a book online! now allows customers to view the back of paperback books.I don’t need a back cover to create a print book! KDP Print and IngramSpark require you to upload a front cover, spine, and back cover.Then there’s the biggest myth of all: nobody pays attention to the back of a book. Almost everyone reads the blurb before they decide whether to purchase. What’s more, they’ll spend only 10 seconds doing it. In this post, we’ll show you how to make that time count so that a reader ends up deciding in your favor.What makes a good back cover? As you start putting your own back cover together, just remember: experiment to find a balance that works for your book. When you hit a perfect balance between all the elements, you’ll have created a back cover that works.Are you in the middle of designing your own back cover? How have you found the experience? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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