Friday, October 18, 2019

Consumer Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Consumer Behavior - Essay Example From the discussion it is clear that once the target market has been identified, the next step is to devise an appropriate strategy. Through, Operant conditioning which draws out the link between the behavior and consequence, individuals can be made aware that their behavior of divorce can result in severe consequences for themselves, their counterparts and the children in cases where they have been born. Operant conditioning is the most suitable strategy here mainly because it accentuates the consequences of a broken marriage that can greatly help individuals in understanding that divorce is a major step that should not be undertaken in response to meager issues. As the study stresses advertisements which portray such consequences can be used as a marketing tool. Celebrities who have born such consequences can be interviewed and they can give out a message to these individuals to think before making such a big decision. Furthermore, for busy individuals, it is important that peaceful cafes in central areas are utilized. This way working couples can take time out for lunch and meet up at these cafes. This will allow them to spend more time with each other. Moreover restaurants, cafes cinemas and hotels should be encouraged to introduce couple deals and discounts which will allow more couples to spend some quality time with each other. Since positive reinforcement is necessary to ensure a health marriage, in addition to providing outdoor entertainment to couples, it is important to encourage the use of marriage counselors. ... Celebrities who have born such consequences can be interviewed and they can give out a message to these individuals to think before making such a big decision. Furthermore, for busy individuals, it is important that peaceful cafes in central areas are utilized. This way working couples can take time out for lunch and meet up at these cafes. This will allow them to spend more time with each other. Moreover restaurants, cafes cinemas and hotels should be encouraged to introduce couple deals and discounts which will allow more couples to spend some quality time with each other. Since positive reinforcement is necessary to ensure a health marriage, in addition to providing outdoor entertainment to couples, it is important to encourage the use of marriage counselors. This will allow them to come across each other’s strengths more often making them less reluctant to end their marriage. Sometimes couples fail to communicate with each other properly which results in misunderstandings and intense disagreements. Marriage counselors can help couples in instilling in themselves some qualities and characteristics that are necessary for a successful relationship. Hence in order to reduce the divorce rates, marriage counselors should be advertised and promoted through television, radio and print media (Daft, 2001). Also organizations should be encouraged to conduct events where employees are invited with their counterparts. This way it will allow both individuals to be part of each other’s professional lives as well allowing them to understand each other better. An employee who has a good marriage is less likely to face any personal problems and therefore will fully concentrate on work. This will help organizations in improving their productivity. The

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