Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Appropriation Of Culture And Its Effects On Foreign Countries

Appropriation of culture Cultural is where a group of people develop common ideas, common ways of doing things and common interpretation of certain things. Culture has great influence on foreign countries. People often from other countries get attracted to cultural aspects of other countries. Culture has great influence on media, politics and people’s everyday life. I experienced a pop culture moment where a group of white women was wearing sari (a cloth that is draped around the woman s body; it mostly seen in South Asia). I saw how culture could be imported instead of being exported. However, those women didn t wear the sari correctly, which arose a question in my mind. Do people wear, ethnic cloth because they respect it or they mock the cultural by not wearing correctly? This question is about appreciation and appropriation of culture. This topic is very imporatant to me because I was being bullied in middle school because of my cultural coth and food. Adopting another culture is natural because o f interaction between a group of people and it s also because everyone is so diverse now. However when does appropriation or offending other culture comes up? Appropriation can be viewed positively and negatively. Culture appropriation can be view positively if it s being portrayed correctly and it also can be viewed negatively if it s being portrayed wrong. We often see cultural appropriation is being discussed in the media such as the sound, image, ideas. it considered asShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Globalization On The United States1454 Words   |  6 PagesGlobalization is an extremely relevant concept in regards to the current shape of the world. Through globalization, ideas are shared across cultures leading to innovations in several departments. I would like to give an overall view and perspective of the impact of globalization on the United States from a macro look at how globalization is now shaping America. 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